Friday, August 27, 2010

Landry - 3 Months

Happy 3 Month Birthday baby boy!

Here are some highlights from the last month:

You are drinking 4.5 ounce bottles every 3-4 hours
You are still drinking Similac Alimentum
We haven't been the the Dr. since your two month appt (you weighed 14lbs 3oz at your two month appt) but I think you are atleast over 15-16lbs now.  We don't go to the Dr. again til your 4 month appt.
You are consistenly sleeping through the night now, there are only a few nights that you don't sleep through the night
You have slept in your crib a few nights through the night but you still sleep much better in the swing.  We will break you of that someday, but for now I just want you to get your rest.
You smile ALL the time.  I just love to see that big ol' gummy smile.  You still giggle every once in awhile, especially if we laugh first. 
You are "talking" all the time now and will chatter back and forth with us.
You have discovered your feet and you loved to grab them and try to chew on them
You take a paci only sometimes, when you are VERY sleepy.  But then you spit it out immediately.
You chew on your fingers seriously LOVE them.  And for right now I'm ok with that...I've always said I don't want my baby to be a thumb sucker and you honestly don't suck your thumb...but you do chew on it alot. 
You like to play on your baby floor mat.  You hit and kick the toys and smile when you make them move. 
You sit much better in your bumbo seat now and can hold your head up all by yourself.
You love to be held facing outwards and you don't really like to be held like a tiny baby unless you are being rocked to sleep.  Makes me baby is getting to be a big boy! Waaaaaahhhhh!
You also love your bouncy like to watch the toys light up and send the hanging toys flying.
You like to watch the TV...oops!  But thankfully right now the only thing we let you watch is Sesame Steet and Baby Einstein DVD's.  Sometimes we let you watch Thomas the Train.  You do like to watch sports with your daddy though and if you're in the floor playing with dad you will actually pay more attention to the TV.
You enjoy tummy time much more now and will lay on your tummy for longer periods of time.
You are trying to roll over and I just know anyday now you are going to do it.  You can get on your side from your back but you're stuck on your side once you get there.  I give it a few more weeks, maybe only a week and you'll do it.
You like bathtime alot more now too...and you make a HUGE mess with your splashes everytime you get a bath.  I love to see you happy though, so it's perfectly fine.
You started with your babysitter Lisa this month.  You seem to really like her and she just loves you.  There are only a few other really little kids there and you are the youngest so you get most all of the attention...which is fine with momma.
You love to take naps and fall asleep at bedtime in bed with me and you usually snuggle right down in my face....I love it!
I can't believe you are almost 4 months old...where is the time going?!?! Please slow down sweet boy...momma doesn't want her baby boy to get big too fast. 
I love you Landry...momma is so proud of you and I'm always here for you!

Landry - 2 Months

Happy 2 Month Birthday Landry!

Here are some highlights from your 2nd Month:

You are eating 3-4 ounce bottles every 3-4 hours. 
You first sleep through the night on July 9th...two days after momma returned to work.  PTL!!
You still sleep in your swing next to momma's side of the bed.  You still won't sleep in your all.
You are starting to enjoy your bouncy seat more, you notice the toys now and will sometimes try to hit them, but I don't think you quiet love them yet.
We try tummy time but you don't really care for only last a few mins before you start to get mad and want to be picked up.
You love the mobile on your swing and sometime wake up when it goes will go right back to sleep when I turn it back on.
You smile alot more now and you giggled once on June 24th (you were 7 weeks)
Your face has all of a sudden broke out in little red bumps..your Dr. has said this is "normal" new baby skin and is nothing to worry about.
We switched you from the Playtex Ventaire bottle to the Playtex Nurser bottle with the bags.  It seems to reduce your gas issues.
You did attend your first church service on Father's Day at Emmaus Baptist Church.  That is the church where momma and daddy got married and where Grandma and Grandpa attend regularly.
At your 5wk appt. (f/u for the formula change) you weighed 11lbs 12oz.
Momma went back to work when you were 9 weeks old.  It was the WORST day of my life.  I cried the whole week before I even started back.  You did not go to a daycare though which was much easier.  You are staying with your grandma and grandpa while your grandma is still on summer break from school.
You are changing so much everyday sweet boy!  Momma just wants time to slow down a little bit though.  :)

Landry - 1 Month

June 5, 2010

Happy 1 Month Birthday Landry!

Here are some highlights from your first month:

You are eating 2-3 ounce bottles every 3-4 hours
At 3.5 weeks old we had to take you to see your Doctor for colic issues, we had to switch you from regular formula to Similac Alimentum.  You were better within 24 hours! Thank the Lord.
You only sleep in your swing at night.  You don't like the bassinet or the crib.
You wear 0-3 month clothes.
You love music and singing.  Momma sings "Jesus Loves Me" to you when I feed you your bottles.
You will sit in your bouncer but you don't care about the toys.
You get the hiccups ALL the time
At your one week appt. you were already past your birth weight at 8lbs 9oz.  The day we brought you home from the hospital you weighed 7lbs you're doing very good.
At your two week appt. you were 9lbs 7oz and 21.5 inches long.  You're growing too fast!
At your 1 month appt. you were 11lbs 4oz.  Such a big, healthy baby!
You also had your first hospital visit on your 1 month birthday. You were at home with momma and fell out the side of your bouncy seat.  I think you were more scared then anything but you seriously scared momma to death...we took you to the ER just to make sure they agreed that you were ok...and you were!  Praise the Lord!
You are very strong and already hold your head up pretty well when I lay you on my chest.
You semi-smile sometimes.
We also stopped breastfeeding at 4 days old...momma wasn't producing fast enough and you were definitely not satisfied.  We also had some latching on issues.  We decided to go strictly to bottles at this point.

Thank you Lord for such a wonderful first month....we are truly blessed!

Landry is here!

So seriously..I'm HORRIBLE at this!!!!  Soooooooo much has happened since I started this blog...I had such good intentions of doing a weekly update during the last half of my pregnancy but six days after starting this blog and doing my first post my husband ended up in the hospital with gallbladder issues.  He had to have laproscopic surgery to remove it and the surgeon ended up knicking his intestine during the first surgery which landed him right back in the hospital for and open exploratory to fix the hole she made in his intestine.  He spent almost two weeks in the hospital SICK as can be.  It was definitely the scariest thing I've ever faced...I was 27 weeks pregnant at the time and was so afraid my baby may not have a daddy.  Sounds morbid but it's true.

Anyway, Landry was born May 5, 2010 at 11:21am.  He was 8lbs 7oz and 20.5inches long.  We decided to take him at 38 weeks 6 days because my OB Doctor was afraid that he was going to be too big.  It's honestly a blessing that we decided to have a C-Section because the cord was wrapped around his neck twice and very tight!  So I would've never been able to have a vaginal delivery. 

This is the first time I ever got to see my baby boy....the love I instantly felt is unexplainable. 


First time to hold my baby boy!

Our new family of three!

After his first sweet in blue.

Landry,  Mommy and Daddy love you more than you'll ever know.  You are our precious baby, a true blessing from the Lord.  I can't imagine life without you in it now.  Mommy and Daddy will always be here for you sweet baby boy.
